This book sheds light on the Han Dynasty's literature and culture from the perspective of "human". It delves into two key texts: the renowned Historical Records, compiled by Shima Qian during the Western Han period and chronicling the lives and stories of key figures in previous days, and Personages (Renwu Zhi) by Liu Shao, a scholar-official in the Three Kingdoms period. It summarizes talent theories since the end of the Han Dynasty. Sima Qian lived during a time of significant cultural upheaval. He approached history with a literary sensitivity, portraying the tragedies of heroes alongside the everyday trials and tribulations of ordinary people. By exploring the formation of literature and history through a lens of human mind, Sima Qian embodied the burgeoning literary awareness of his era. The Book of Han includes a bibliographical section called the "Treatise on Literature" (Yiwen Zhi). This section's recognition of poetry and fu (a literary form combining prose and poetry) as independent genres, along with its categorization of fu styles, exemplifies the development of literary consciousness from an academic perspective. Liu Shao's Personages not only contains literary critiques but also theoretical evaluation of talent. This work stands as China's first systematic exploration of people's talents, personalities, and political actions.