This book is part of the PRC Legislation Annotations series. Compiled by senior legal experts, the series breaks away from traditional approach to legal interpretation. It provides systematic analysis and interpretation of relevant legislation, cases, and key legal documents. Each entry is expertly annotated, providing clear explanations and practical application tips. The book is a valuable resource for legal professionals, researchers, teachers, and students preparing for qualification exams. It offers clear explanations and practical guidance for accurately and efficiently applying criminal law in real-world scenarios. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of key points of relevant laws, judicial interpretations, and guidance documents. Additionally, they'll gain insights from case studies, judgments of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Criminal Trial Reference, and documents from public security organs. This third edition has been revised, incorporating nearly 200,000 words of newly added or revised content, to reflect the latest changes brought about by the Twelfth Criminal Law Amendment.