The Resonating Silence: the Mime Show Journey of a Lost Kid
Paper Back
2021-01-01 | ISBN: 9787807682691
Rights Manager: Peishan Li
Email: lipeishan@lifehousebooks.com
An older man molested a boy on the bus, and that event changed the life course of the kid. Suffering from PTSD, the boy shut out the whole world and became a weirdo in school for years until he encountered mime performance. Almost two decades later, he learned to express himself through the silent performance finding his way to reconnect with the world, the others, and himself. A self-waking journey across mainland China, Paris, and Taiwan narrated in witty and resonating words, Sunteck Yao takes us to a place that few of us had been to. The documentary of his story "All in" had its debut at 2021 SIFF in June.