Elaborate-style Flower Painting Album
Paper Back
2021-01-01 | ISBN: 978-7-5003-0373-2
Rights Manager: Zheng Shuo & Chen Xipan
Email: rbz63035437@163.com
In 1958, Guo Moruo composed 101 poems to pay homage to flowers in response to Chairman Mao's "Let a hundred flowers bloom" policy intended to nourish the cultural cause of PRC. In 1962, the leader of Rongbaozhai invited Yu Fei'an, Tian Shiguang, and Yu Zhizhen, three masters of flower-and-bird fine brushwork painting, to draw paintings to accompany the poems. The flowers amongst the poems are meticulously drawn with brush pen to form a delightful contrast. It marks an immaculate blend of ink painting and versification. Encompassing 101 paintings supplemented by traditional delineation, this book marks a great example for learners of fine art.