General Knowledge about Zizhitongjian: a Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government
By Zhang Guogang  Publisher: Zhonghua Book Company
Paper Back
2022-07-26 | ISBN: 978-7-101-15743-7
Rights Manager: Zhang Zhiguang

Zizhi Tongjian is a must-read for anyone seeking insight into traditional Chinese culture. However, its sheer volume can be formidable for readers. This introductory guide acts as a bridge, offering a clear and engaging path through this classic text. Based on over 40 years of research by contemporary scholars, this book sheds light on the origins, compilation process, content, and characteristics of Zizhi Tongjian. It also explores the text's enduring influence on modern society. The author’s engaging writing and the book’s vibrant pictures work together to enrich the reading experience and illuminate readers' understanding. The author Professor Zhang Guogang has devoted over four decades to studying Zizhi Tongjian. His extensive research and expertise inform this accessible volume. Known for his captivating writing style, Professor Zhang is a leading scholar dedicated to making traditional culture accessible to the public.