By Zhao Tingyang  Publisher: SDX Joint Publishing Company
Paper Back
2023-11-28 | ISBN: 978-7-108-07696-0
Rights Manager: Xiao Jieru

Subjectivity, as a concept nearly synonymous with modernity, is the central concern of this book. The author, Zhao Tingyang, probes issues of individualism, geopolitics, cultural and civilizational conflicts that have arisen in the modern world due to the separation, expansion, and competition of subjectivity. Furthermore, the author has raised the concept of "trans-subjectivity" from a metaphysical perspective, attempting to construct a beyond-subjectivity discourse and align currently unharmonious subjects. In addition to conceptual and ideational emphases, this book also focuses on pressing real-world topics, and offers in-depth analyses and predictions on extraterrestrial civilizations, the metaverse, and artificial intelligence (including GPT-4), as well as the possibility of human-subjugating entities’ emergence in future world.