Sustainable Utilization of the Heritage of the National Cultural Park
By Feng Ling  Publisher: Research Press Co., Ltd.
Paper Back
2024-03-01 | ISBN: 978-7-5199-1539-1
Rights Manager: Zhang Kun
Phone: 010-64217610

This book delves into the rich cultural heritage resources of national cultural parks and the integration of culture and tourism. It emphasizes integrating culture with visitor experiences while using tourism as a tool to effectively communicate the cultural significance of these parks. This approach aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainable cultural heritage management, ensuring cultural heritage is preserved, utilized effectively, and continues to evolve and resonate with future generations. The book examines core aspects of national cultural park development, including the current state of national cultural parks, their diverse types and characteristics, guiding philosophies, prevalent management models, typical commercial formats, inspiring case studies, institutional mechanisms, and innovative policy measures. Through this comprehensive analysis, the book constructs a framework tailored to the unique needs related to the development and utilization of national cultural parks in China.