Xinhua Bookstore Headoffice was foundedon April 24th, 1937 in Yan’an. On January 1st, 1951, theGeneral Administration of Xinhua Bookstores was reformed into Xinhua BookstoreHeadoffice, a central-leveled books distribution unit. It is now an importantsubsidiary of China Publishing Group Corporation. Xinhua Bookstore Headofficewas the top management institution of Xinhua bookstores all over China. Itcentralized and unified the management of goods, finance and staff of all Xinhuabookstores. Xinhua Bookstore Headoffice has distributed more than 4.5 billioncopies of books, with the list prices accounting to more than 25 billion yuan.Xinhua Bookstore Headoffice makes great contribution to the development ofpublications distribution business, and the prosperity of cultural industry inChina.
Xinhua Bookstore Headofficehas new goals of development in the new era. It aims to be important fronts forspreading advanced socialist culture and a leading and important force topromote the development of industry transformation of China. Xinhua bookstoreHeadoffice has expectation of becoming a crucial force of the reform anddevelopment of China Publishing Group Corporation. Moreover, Xinhua BookstoreHeadoffice is dedicated to be a creative and sustainable modern enterprise. Ourstrategic development plan is to run our company by making full use ofcapitals, production innovation and brand management and talents. Pursuing industrytransformation as central task, we will explore two development paths ofcapital management and technological innovation, focusing on capital,technology and talents to boost innovation of development form, chains ofindustry and systematical structure, so as to complete modernization ofindustrial transformation, professional management of capitals, innovation ofbrand operation as well as advancement of talents.
Xinhua Bookstore Headoffice consists ofexecutive office, planning and finance department, human resources department,business development department, assets managing department, Party and massdepartment, department of retirement affairs, information center as well asXinhua Internet Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd., Xinhua Guocai Education NetworkTechnology Co., Ltd., Beijing Xinhua Wenbo Property Management Ltd., BeijingHuaxin Zhongpan Media Advertising Co., Ltd., Xinhua Bookstore Chengdu Co., Ltd.Xinhua Bookstore Head Office publishes several newspapers and journals, namely New Bibliography of Social Sciences,New Bibliography of Science and Technology, China Library Weeklyand The National Catalogue of textbooks for Secondary and Higher Education,which have a great influence in the trade. Xinhua Bookstore Headoffice is goingto establish China Xinhua Distribution Network and National College TextbooksOnline Purchasing Network. They will become important platforms for XinhuaBookstore Head Office in the transformation of development.
Xinhua Bookstore Headoffice is tryingto revitalize its assets. It is reconstructing the 7-acre courtyard and the40,000-square-meter building in No.135 Beilishi Road, Beijing. Afterreconstruction, it will become a CTF (namely cultural plus technology plusfinance) industrial park, which will implement the reformation and developmentof Xinhua Bookstore Headoffice.