Gao Zheng visits GTCOM for research
Source: CPG | 2021-08-27

On April 20, 2021, Gao Zheng, General Director of the Department of Industrial Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, conducted a research on Global Tone Communication Technology Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “GTCOM”). Huang Zhijian, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Group of China Publishing Group (hereinafter referred to as “CPG”), Huang Song, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Director of China Translation Corporation (hereinafter to as “CTPC”), Chairman of GTCOM, Yu Yang, General Manager of CTPC and Vice Chairman of GTCOM, and Wang Danying, General Manager of GTCOM, attended the meeting.

There was introduction on the business such as intelligent industry investment platform and research data analysis.

Ma Li, Director of Industry Promotion Division, Department of Industrial Development, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Yu Huayin, Director of International Cooperation Division, as well as Wang Jianhui, Director of Finance Department of China Publishing Group, Zhou Hui, Director of Technology and Digital Publishing Department of China Publishing Media Corporation and relevant staff from the Group's Office and Assets Department participated in the exchange.
