Huang Lanhong
Huang Lanhong, associate dean of College of Ethnology and Sociology of Guangxi Minzu University.
Yang Xiaojun
Yang Xiaojun, lecturer of College of Ethnology and Sociology of Guangxi Minzu University, PhD student in ethnology
Ding Daoshi
Ding Daoshi is the former director of Sootoo Research and former executive editor-in-chief of Sootoo Internet Technology.
Bai Wei
Bai Wei, under the pseudonym of Feiyu, is a senior media people, scholar of culture, and poet. He was a staff member of Beijing Evening News for years.
Li Linzhi
Li Linzhi was born in 1967 by the name of Li Lin.
Huang Jianhua
Huang Jianhua is a researcher of the Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archeology Research Institute, a member of the China Writers Association.
Liang Heng
The author Liang Heng is a famous scholar, journalism theorist, and writer.
Li Qingsong
Li Qingsong, graduated from the Law School of China University of Political Science and Law, serves as a staff member of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, vice president of China Natural Resources Writers Association, member of the Literary Reportage Committee of China Writers Association.
Yan Dong
Yan Dong (1964–?) is a Manchu people, member of the Communist Party of China, and senior editor. He currently serves as the deputy director of the Program Department of CCTV-10 science and education channel.
Ma He
Ma He is a poet and children’s literature writer. Graduated from Beijing Normal University majoring in literary creation, she mainly engaged in poetry writing.